A Golden Hour, Juneteenth, Pride Month, Transforming Fashion and Father's Day
June 18, 2022
Hi Friends,
It’s 5:30am and the whole world is still. In Hinduism, sunrise and sunsets are considered the most powerful times of the day. The godliest of hours. Both occur around massive change, for every creature is transitioning to another rhythm. Prayers and key ceremonies are held at the golden hours. This time feels precious. Our society feels like it’s at a golden hour too. In the midst of re-emerging post-COVID, navigating to new rhythms in work, play and life. What are you shedding? What are you keeping? What's your new rhythm?
I’m shedding an archaic belief of ‘clocking in and out’ of work. At Veneka, we aim to make work as asynchronous as possible. We care less about time spent ‘at our desks’, and more about results. I’m also shedding the notion that my worth is tied to my productivity. That if I’m not working or doing my duty in one of my roles, I’m wasting my time. I’m keeping the importance of joy for the sake of itself. It is its own function.
We’re coming out of the most prolific race protests since the 70s. We seem to be at a golden hour of how America includes the black experience in its cultural narrative. Juneteenth is this Sun and ~10 years ago, I wouldn’t have known that. I can map my perspective on America in two phases: before and after I read roots by Alex Hayley. In this cultural golden hour, I celebrate Juneteenth and Pride Month to acknowledge two resilient communities.
We’re at a golden hour for transforming fashion too. Wage theft at garment factories is not uncommon. Recently, Victoria Secret paid $8.3M in a landmark settlement to garment workers who got laid off during the pandemic. It’s the largest wage theft settlement at a garment factory and a huge win for labor rights activists. When I started Veneka, we debated whether to curate leather vs. conventional vegan leather, which is often made of plastic. We decided to curate neither. Our vegan leathers are made out of recycled or innovative biodegradable materials (like grape leather), and the New York Times recently validated our decision.
So much is golden right now. My wish for you is that you stay golden, bright and full of light, during your personal golden hour.
Stay golden. Stay true,
CEO & Founder, Veneka
About the author

Shivika Sinha is the CEO & Founder of Veneka. She's an award-winning social entrepreneur on a mission to transform business into a force for good. Visit Meet Our Founder & CEO to read her story.
Read more from Shivika:
"The Shared Experience of All Women"
"10 Days of Silence & Meditation: What I Learnt & Why I did Vipassana"