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Standing Strong Through COVID-19

Dear Veneka Family:


I hope that you are safe, healthy and finding ways to thrive during this unusual time. I am thinking of you all and hoping you and your loved ones will have a smooth ride through this wave.


Due to San Francisco’s Shelter in Place policy, we’ve had to temporarily close our distribution center. We're unable to ship orders until the city lifts this directive, which is expected sometime in May. If you have treasures to return, please reach out to us at for a new return label. We’re still styling and taking orders, but our shipping will be delayed until our distribution center can reopen. We’re deeply grateful for your patience.


Veneka is a startup run by three women who believe that business can and should be a force for good. I’m a solo female Founder bootstrapping Veneka (and expecting my first child), and I’m determined to ensure the team continues to be paid through this time. 


Every day, we are awe struck by you all. You inspire us to keep pushing forward and together, I know that we can persevere.


Please don’t hesitate to reach out anytime. I’d love to hear from you and can be reached at We’ll also be sharing uplifting stories during this time on our Instagram account. 


Warm virtual hugs,



Founder & CEO